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Searching in your DISCO

All the metadata fields that DISCO displays, including Internal and Client Notes, are searchable.

At a glance

There are a few different types of searches in DISCO. All searches begin with the search bar at the top of your DISCO.

Users on all DISCO plans can use the basic and advanced search options to search content within their own DISCO.

Users with our Discovery Suite add-on also have access to Similarity Search.

Users on music supervisor plans also have access to MultiDISCO Search.

Basic Search

Enter search term(s) in the search bar at the top of your DISCO. This will search through and yield results from your Track metadata, plus Internal and Client Notes.

You can sort these results by Artist, Newest, Oldest, Name, Relevance, Year, and Release Date.

Advanced Search

With advanced search, you can narrow down your search even more by adding filters. You can enter a keyword and then add filters, or use the filters alone.

Click the arrow to the right of the search bar to open the advanced search:

📎 Note: The search bar in this screenshot says "Search by keyword or YouTube URL" because this account has access to Similarity Search via the Discovery Suite add-on. If you do not have Discovery Suite, yours will just say "Search by keyword."

Metadata filters

The Filter by dropdown contains the following metadata filters:

Once you add one of these filters, you will have the option to add more using the plus + icon, or remove it with the x icon.

The BPM, Year, and Release Date filters have additional conditions you can choose from, including: 

Other filters

The remaining filters include:

You can also choose what you'd like to see in your results: Tracks, Playlists, Albums, or All.

Excluding Search Results

You can exclude search terms from your results by using a Boolean search.


If you want to find Tracks in your DISCO with 'rock' in the metadata, but exclude tracks that also include 'pop', type in the term (e.g. 'rock') followed by a hypen directly in front of (no space) the term you want to exclude (e.g. 'pop'). It should look like this: rock -pop

You can also exclude whole phrases by putting them in quotes.

rock -"2 a.m. Orchestra"