DISCO Help Centre Support Center

Similarity Search feature guide

With Similarity Search, you can find Tracks in your DISCO that sound similar.

At a glance

Similarity Search is included in our Discovery Suite add-on feature pack and is available on Supervisor plans.

You can use the search bar at the top of your DISCO, or the Similar tracks tab on the Track panel in the Explorer:

We find this feature quite useful for briefs that mention a reference Track!

How it works

Similarity Search is powered by our AI to analyze audio from your Tracks and compare it with audio from other Tracks on a large amount of different dimensions. It does not take into account tags, metadata, or other high-level Track information, but performs a search on the sound of the audio itself.

A few other things to note:

Performing a Similarity Search

๐Ÿ“Ž Note: Unless you are on a Supervisor plan, your Tracks must be auto-tagged before they will appear in a Similarity Search.

There are a few ways to do this:

Search with a YouTube URL

  1. Paste a URL from YouTube into the search bar at the top of your DISCO.
  2. Similarity Search will return results that are found to be the most similar Tracks in your DISCO. The results are in order of similarity, meaning the most similar track is at the top.

Search with a DISCO Track share URL

  1. Copy a share URL for any Track in your DISCO.
  2. Paste the URL into the search bar at the top of your DISCO.

Browse through your Tracks

In the Track panel, click on the Similar tracks tab to find similar sounding Tracks. The results are in order of similarity, meaning the most similar Track is at the top.

Providing real-time feedback on Similarity Search

We'd love it if you'd help us make our Similarity Search better! When you see results you think are a great fit, or maybe not so much, you can give us feedback in that moment:

  1. Hover over a Track in the search results and click the thumbs-up icon ๐Ÿ‘.
  2. Select ๐Ÿ‘ Similar or ๐Ÿ‘Ž Not similar.

You can also give feedback on Tracks from the Similar tracks tab:

Frequently asked questions

Who can access Similarity Search?

Similarity Search is available to all Supervisors and Discovery Suite subscribers. 

How accurate is Similarity Search?

We've done a lot of testing and we believe it provides accurate results most of the time. However, there are a few factors that will impact the accuracy of the results, including:

How long after auto-tagging a Track before I can see Similar Tracks in my DISCO?

This may vary a little bit depending on the time of day. Generally speaking, results should start showing within 5-10 minutes.

Can I search just a section of a video or Track?

No - Similarity Search is always performed on the entire video or song.

Can I filter or refine my search results?


Does it work on DISCO Catalogs?


Why am I seeing duplicate results?

When you perform a search you may find that some of your results are showing multiple times. This is because we are showing all results in your DISCO, even if they are duplicates of one another. So if you find duplicates, that means you have multiples of the same Track in your DISCO. You can either ignore this, or choose to merge the Tracks to clean up your DISCO.

In rare cases, you might even find that the Track you've been searching for with a YouTube link itself is showing up. That happens if the Track you are searching for exists in your DISCO already.

My YouTube search failed, what can I do?

If a search fails and no results are provided, it may be because of one of the following reasons: