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Individual Track Stats

When you share a Playlist, an individual Track, or a DISCO Catalog, or when you embed your DISCO Tracks on an external site, you can view the Stats for the individual Tracks! For Playlist-level Stats, visit this article.

At a glance

On the Stats page for a Track, you can see a list of unique Listeners and the Sources they came from.

What's included in Track Stats


These are displayed at the top of the Stats window from either tab.

Listeners tab

Includes a list of Listeners by Name* and the specific action(s) they took.
*See the section How Stats are assigned to recipients for more details.

It also shows the date of their Last Activity.

Source tab

Individual Track Stats generated from the following Sources:

How Stats are assigned to recipients

Only some stats will show specifically which recipient took a particular action, while others will be attributed to Other Recipients. This could either mean the recipient wasn't logged in to a DISCO when they took the action, or you shared a Playlist using a method that doesn't generate Stats (e.g. Copy URL).

Stats are assigned to specific recipients when they're logged in to a DISCO, or if they're accessing a Playlist share page you sent them using the Email playlist directly or Assign URL to a contact share methods.

Viewing Track Stats

Open the Track Menu (â‹®) and select Stats.

If there are no Stats, the page will look like this: