DISCO Help Centre Support Center

Disabling and re-enabling Playlist share links

On certain plans, DISCO lets you disable individual share links for playlists, so they'll no longer be accessible to recipients. Note this can only be done on share links you've generated by emailing playlists to recipients through DISCO, or by assigning links to them. Public playlist URLs cannot be disabled.

Disabling an individual share link for your playlist

To disable an individual share link for a playlist, first open the Share pop up for the playlist, from the three line menu in the top right corner of the playlist panel:

In the Share pop up, in the Share tab, click View current Share URLs

To disable a share link, click the x icon over on the right:  

You'll be asked to confirm that you want to disable the link: 

Clicking Confirm will disable the link.

Re-enabling a disabled share link for your Playlist

To re-enable a share link you've disabled, just click the refresh icon, which shows at the right: 

How soon after disabling a link will it become inaccessible?

Once you disable a link, that share link will no longer load for recipients. If a recipient had the playlist page open already before you disabled it, that page will be invalidated and switch to a page unavailable message within 10 minutes of the link being disabled.