DISCO Help Centre Support Center

Primary Catalogs

With Primary Catalogs, clients and supervisors can find your music more easily. There are many use cases for our DISCO Catalogs – whether that's to showcase a specific group of Artists/Albums, highlight your 1-stop/easy clears, or make a Catalog specifically for a client. While you may need multiple Catalogs, your Primary Catalog is designed to be the best holistic representation of your music.

At a glance

DISCO automatically assigns a Primary Catalog for you, but you can change this if you like.

Setting a Primary Catalog

  1. From the left sidebar of your DISCO, select Catalogs.
  2. From the Catalogs page, open the Actions menu () for the desired Catalog and select Set as primary Catalog.
  3. Your Primary Catalog will move to the top of the list and have a blue PRIMARY label.

Best Practices

First, we recommend opting in your Catalog for easy access, and allowing your Catalog to be viewed without requiring a login.
You can set both of these from the Catalog Settings:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Catalogs.
  2. From the Catalogs page, open the Actions menu () for the desired Catalog and select Manage.
  3. On the Catalog Settings page, under Access & promotion, select these radio buttons:
    • Easy access (under Allow supervisors to access my Catalog)
    • View without login (under Access settings)
  4. Click the green Update Catalog Settings button.

Next, we recommend linking your Primary Catalog to your business.