Q: How does DISCO handle duplicate files?
There are a couple of different ways, depending on the scenario:
Scenario 1 - You're trying to upload duplicate files
By default, when you upload files (specifically MP3 and MP4 formats) to DISCO, we'll check them against any existing files in your DISCO that have the exact same Artist, Album, and Title metadata. If we find a match, the duplicate file(s) won't be uploaded. The upload won't progress, and instead, the existing file will be populated in the Playlist Creator.
If you'd like to have the de-duplication feature switched off, please contact our Support team.
📎 Note: De-duplication only applies when:
Scenario 2 - You have discovered duplicate files in your DISCO
Some duplicate files will likely still find their way into your DISCO. The best way to clean them up is to merge them.