DISCO Help Centre Support Center

AIFF to WAV and WAV to AIFF converter

We offer an AIFF to WAV / WAV to AIFF converter for users on select plans (Pro, Artist, Music Supervisor, and Enterprise).

At a glance

This feature gives you more flexibility with your content and saves everyone time when downloading multiple formats. It also makes it easy to deliver AIFFs, which are great, because, unlike WAVs, they carry metadata 🙌

How it works

When you upload a Track to your DISCO in one format (e.g. WAV), the converter will create a copy of that Track in the other format (e.g. AIFF), and vice versa. 

The two formats (AIFF and WAV) would then be available for you and your recipients to download.


We uploaded a Track in AIFF format.
When we look at the download options for the Track, there is now a WAV version available.

Saving and downloading Tracks in other formats

There are three ways to do this:

From within your DISCO

  1. Open the Track menu (⋮) and select Download track.
  2. Select the format from the list.

From Track Share pages

  1. Open either the Regular track URL or the Download track URL.
  2. From the Track Share page, in the top-right corner, click the arrow next to the Download button.
  3. Select an option from the drop-down to either Download or Save to DISCO.

From Playlist Share pages

  1. Open the Public Playlist URL.
  2. In the top right corner, select More formats and options.
  3. Select the desired format(s) for the desired Track(s).
  4. Click either the gray Save to DISCO button or the green Download selection button.