DISCO Help Centre Support Center

Setting an expiry date for a Playlist share link

If you'd like a Playlist to only be available for a certain amount of time, you can set an expiry date on its share links.

Note that this is a premium feature not available on all subscription plans.

Setting an expiry date for your Playlist

  1. Open the Playlist menu (â‹®) and select Share.
  2. In the Share menu, from the Security tab, set the Link expiry toggle to ON (it should appear green).
  3. Click the Choose date drop-down and select one of the presets (In 7 days, In 14 days, In 30 days), set a custom date.
  4. Click Apply, then click Save.

The link expiry date will now appear in green under the Security tab:

Once the link expires, the link expiry date under the Security tab will appear in red and will no longer be accessible to recipients:

Note that once you set an expiry date for a Playlist, all share links for that Playlist will expire on the date specified.

Removing an expiry date from your Playlist

To remove an expiry date, follow Steps 1 and 2 above, but set the Link expiry toggle to OFF (it should appear gray).