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Discovery Suite: Lyrical Theme Tagging FAQ

Lyrical Theme Tagging is a component of our Discovery Suite add-on.

At a glance

Using our AI, we analyze uploaded lyrics and auto-tag Tracks with up to five Lyrical theme Track tags. Refer to this article for a complete list of DISCO pre-set Track tags and categories.

Frequently asked questions

How does it work?

We take auto-tagged Tracks from your DISCO and look for lyrics in the Lyrics tab of the Track's metadata.

If lyrics are present and they are of sufficient length (at least 10 words over a minimum of 4 lines, i.e. 1 paragraph), analyze the lyrics and tag the Tracks with up to five lyrical theme tags from this list.

What if the Track doesn't have lyrics in the metadata?

If there are no lyrics in the Track's metadata, we may check if we can obtain them automatically and then run the analysis. This means some of your Tracks may show theme tags even if you haven't provided any lyrics. 

If we can't get lyrics automatically, we recommend you source the lyrics yourself and add them to the Track and we will try again.

How accurate is it?

We expect that up to 95% of the time you will see at least one theme tag on the Track. The majority of the time it will be three or more. 

There will be cases where the analysis wasn't confident enough to identify any themes, in which case no tags will be applied at that time, but may be in the future.

Do the lyrics have to be in English?

No, lyrical theme tagging will work for a wide range of languages and even for lyrics in more than one language, e.g. English and Spanish.