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Track Nesting feature guide

With our Nesting feature, you can group Versions of Tracks together so they appear under a single Main Track.

At a glance

Nesting is a great way to organize related Tracks in DISCO. Nested Tracks have a badge counter on the Main Track:

Each Track in a nested set has a Version label that appears next to the Track within your DISCO and on Track and Playlist Share URLs and in Catalogs.

The available labels are:

Nesting your Tracks

  1. Open the Track Menu (on the Track you'd like to be the Main Track.
  2. Select Manage nesting.
  3. Under Versions, this Track will show as your Main Track.
  4. You can add Versions and Stems by dragging or uploading Tracks, or clicking + Add existing track.
  5. When adding an existing Track, type to search for the Track and click the Add track button.
  6. Open the Select Version dropdown and choose a Version label.
  7. Selecting the Stem label will place the Track in the Stems section.
  8. Click the Save button.

Removing Tracks from a Nested set

  1. Open the Track Menu (on the Main Track.
  2. Select Manage nesting.
  3. Click the X next to the Track you wish to remove.
  4. Click the Save button.

Updating Nested Track Version labels

  1. Open the Track Menu (on the Main Track.
  2. Select Manage nesting.
  3. Open the dropdown on the desired Track and choose a new Version label.
  4. Click the Save button.

Enabling nesting and stem sharing on existing Playlists

If you just created a nested set and the Main Track was already in an existing Playlist, the nested Versions may not be reflected in that Playlist. You can update the Playlist Settings to include these Versions.

📎 Note: By default, all newly created Playlists will have nested versions enabled and stem sharing disabled.
  1. Open the Playlist menu (⋮) and select Playlist Settings.
  2. From the Playlist Info tab, under Content Settings, set the Include nested track versions and Share stems toggles to ON (they should appear green).
  3. Click the Save Playlist button.

How nested Tracks affect your Track quota

Each nested Version will count as 1 Track against your quota. You can have a maximum of 20 nested Versions per Main Track.

Stems, however, are counted differently. One set of stems per Main Track will only count as 1 track on your track quota. You can have up to 100 Stems per Main Track.

📎 Note: Stems must have the STEM Version label to be counted as a Stem.

Bulk Nesting

Visit this article for more information on Nesting your Tracks in bulk.